Cards for the Day: R’d 2 of Wands/R’d Empress: Don’t Delay Too Long in Choosing a Creative Path

The Empress reversed--Rider-Waite tarot

The Empress reversed--Rider-Waite tarotWriters and artists of all kinds, I wonder if you are feeling blocked today. These cards look to me like a creative project (The Empress) is ready to be born (or at least conceived) and move forward, but we are still hesitating over the best path to take (Two of Wands reversed–sorry, my Two of Wands jpg file has gotten corrupted somehow and I can’t include it this time). There’s also an element of considering how to move forward in a way that will be helpful to the community and to the world at large. These are good things to be thinking about and considering, and our intentions are very good. However, don’t neglect that project for too long. It’s ready to be started on now.

Another interpretation of these cards is for couples considering whether or not to try to conceive–it looks to me like you’re not ready yet, though still thinking hard about it! If you’re thinking that hard, you probably are ready — you’re just trying to go slow and be responsible about it. Nothing wrong with that.


  1. I was writing about Empress reversed concerning careers and creativity not long ago. Although this is a post older than 10 years – btw, congratulations on your longevity! 🙂 I feel like I have to add my 2 cents. With Empress reversed, if you find yourself in this position, look at what is keeping you back right now. Take the time to figure this out and your potential can be unlocked once you remove all the obstacles. It is also possible that this card signals that you might be feeling a little self-conscious about your work choices. or maybe even that you may believe that you aren’t being fair to others if you let yourself be so connected to the needs of the people around you. This is not always the case. Remember to put yourself first when you need to.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your reply! And I’m sorry to be so slow in responding–I’ve been back in school and have been focused on my homework for months. I’m replying in a section where I can’t see the original post from here, but your comment is on point for me, regardless!


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