All Choices Involve Risk

Choices, House of Night cards
Choices, from Colette Baron-Reid’s Wisdom of the House of Night deck

Many of us are facing situations right now in which we think all choices are closed off to us. But that isn’t true — we always have choices.

Risk, House of Night cards
Risk, from Colette Baron-Reid’s Wisdom of the House of Night deck

Yes, some of those choices seem more perilous than others. But they are still possibilities. All choices entail some risk. Notice the role that the moon plays in both of the cards pictured here. (The moon isn’t quite this full right now, by the way–it’s a waning crescent today.) To me, this moon is a reminder that we don’t always know why we make the choices we do — sometimes we make our choices for reasons that seem quite mad to others and maybe to us too, later.

No matter what choice you make, try to be honest with yourself about the choices that you face. Remember that the choice not to act or intervene in a situation is in and of itself also a choice.


  1. Thanks, Bonnie. That advice has been helpful as I re-ground after this month of crazy emotions.


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