What People Say About Me

On the fence about tarot, or about my readings? Want to hear what other people are saying about me? Then you’ve come to the right place! The comments below are a compilation of things people have said in the comments section of this website and in other public venues. (If you write to me privately, I consider that confidential unless you specifically have granted permission for your comments to be published here.)

I was recently interviewed by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady, at her site. Here’s an excerpt from Theresa’s introduction of me: “Her perspective on the cards is deep and wise – and her tarot voice is very unique.  At times is seems as if she is a Buddha, other times a therapist, many times a humorist, and some times a “tarot lawyer”, arguing a case for a card!” To read the full interview, click here.

Very fast response, sensitive and caring reader. She provided an honest assessment of my questions, and went the extra mile to provide excellent customer service. No sugar-coating, very realistic, helpful and effective. Highly recommended. Excellent value for the price. Thanks so much ! ! !

I have had several readings from you and each time I have loved the detail you put into them. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that I have found you….thank you, thank you, thank you! =)

This reading was my first from you and you totally blew me away! Your reading was so detailed and so insightful. Thank you so very much~

Your reading was quite the experience for me. I did not expected such depth and clarity and, furthermore, I was amazed by your accuracy. Thank you.

Thanks for this one Bonnie. I totally needed that encouragement and boost.

This reading was very good for me. I have been totally out of my routine and out of wack. Time to get back into my routine. Great readings.

Fantastic, a great example of how combining traditional and personal meanings of a card can add depth to a reading.

Wow, this post fit my morning to a T. I was floundering around when i had things to do and got my wake up call in the form of an argument that gave me the energy (anger) to get out of my own way. Thanks for posting! It all makes sense now.

Fantastic reading, Bonnie! I know I say this all the time, but your words of wisdom seem to be speaking to my spiritual path on a daily basis. Thank you for creating this sacred space.

Your advice on embracing the flow of life and the upsetting circumstances that can arise truly resonates with me. As does the notion that if we remind ourselves to surf the wave, the tides will turn.

Seriously–do you know me? this was just excellent and I saw myself in almost every bit of it – was kind of spooky – overwhelmed, emotional, worried – they are all me–thanks for shedding some light on this and providing some encouragement.

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