Prognosticating about politics: Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan. Courtesy is the key ingredient in this recipe.

Reading about Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan: The Hermit, Six of Swords, Death, Six of Cups. Found turned around in the deck: reversed Moon.

She went alone.

She’s looking for something.

She backed in like she didn’t know what she was doing.

But she knew what she was doing.

Her appearance is a warning, a warning of violence and death.

(China responded with one, too.)

But she herself is just a person carrying flowers, here, have this lovely offer. Forgive me for taking your time.

It’s dangerous.


She means well.


She’s not carrying a sword. A lamp, a flag, a cup, but not a sword.

This is not about death, this is about love (see the two 6s?), and relationships, and caring.

That’s what she’ll say.

And it’s also true.

It is. (I wouldn’t lie to you.)

But you can say a true thing for reasons other than that it’s true.

And in this case, the diplomatic gesture matters more than the fact that there is genuine caring underneath it.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to offend anyone; I just wanted to visit. I’ve never been here before.” (Has she? I’m not sure.)

“I’m so sorry. All this fuss. I just wanted to bring you a present. The good will of my country.”

Apologize once,

apologize twice,

apologize chicken soup with rice.

And let me just say: Diplomacy. Grace. Courtesy. Generosity. Gentleness (even when the message is sharp).

Nancy CAN do this.

She doesn’t always read the room at home (I’m remembering the ice cream debacle).

But here she will have the expert help of the State Department. And she knows she’s not at home.

I think she can do this. I think she has the grace to do it. Nobody is asking her to fool anyone.

(And, nobody is fooled.)

She is from a state with a large Taiwanese population. Maybe she brought a gift from the Taiwanese community in California. Maybe she brings the good will of that community and not just of the United States.

She doesn’t have to be perfect.

She just has to tell the truth and mean it.

Come in peace, bring a present, speak in kindness and courtesy, go in peace.

That’s it.

And that’s a recipe to copy on your index card and put in your collection. Use it.

Diplomacy doesn’t always have a solution.

Sometimes it’s just a delay.

But if we don’t fight today, this is a good day.

Maybe. (Obviously, sometimes it isn’t.)

Delay can benefit one side, both, or neither. And I do NOT know Taiwanese politics.

But, just keep the recipe, that’s really all I’m saying. Maybe you’ll need it sometime.

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